Since the beginning of the year I have been part of the Awareness Committee. In this group we discuss about many of the events happening throughout the entire year that do need to be advertised to spread the knowledge and the awareness about them. The main one that our group has treated this year were:
- Breast Cancer - October
- Prostate Cancer (Movember) - November
- The Philippines typhoon - December
- Red Day, Aids
- Blue Day - Anti bulling
These events are all of global importance as our research has lead us. While organizing them we get to know more about the problem and this really help me to understand the world I am leaving in and what is happening around me. My view is now no more narrow-minded to the things happening around me but I am more acknowledge about what is going on in the world.
Since October Pearly (G12 Student) and I are in charge of the communication within the team members. Our job is to update everyone in the group about whatever was said during each meeting, so that if anyone was not present or accidentally forgot their memories were all refreshed.
This is being a very complicated job and it requires a bit of time if we want to do things precisely, in time, and effectively.

More precisely during the month of December I was engaged in organizing a bake sale to sustain the Philippines as a group of workers at ICS had family or ties with that place. Therefore we decided to help them and their country by fundraising. The set up of the bake sale helped us to raise 220 CHF that we were proud of donating. To do so the organization behind is was crucial. I had to maintain good communication with the entire team so to know who was baking and what. Also communications with teachers was essential because I had to obtain authorizations for allowing the bake sale to take place. Another important thing was to have the change for the bake sale counter and to have our bake sale properly advertised so that customers knew our intentions. When organizing this event I really came to know myself better because fast decision making was essential, I might have made some mistakes while organizing this but I have to say that I have learnt from them. I now know my limits, how to overcome them, and how to watch out for problems I did not know about before.
The bake sale was and idea of Pearly and I so we were really involved in its organization and all the preparatives for it. I believe it was a good input as most of the team helped and was involved in it. It was a great satisfaction to see the event taking place. Especially because it came directly from my friend and I, so we kind of saw our idea to come up to life.
I am keen on seeing where this activity will lead me further in the year. With the advent of exams my friend and I will have to give up the "communicators" role to G11s but we will stick to the group no matter what so to keep on helping out and share our ideas.