Due to an injury to my shoulder that occurred after the last competitive match of volleyball I played with the school I found myself forced to drop the after school activity of Badminton. I was among to join the team as last year but as I dislocated my shoulder the doctor said that it is safer if I wait for another month before starting to lay agonistically again. I spent one entire month without being able to play any sport because I had to wear a shoulder brace 24/7 that held my shoulder in a fixed position. I stopped wearing this braces a few weeks ago and now I have restarted doing sports that do not involve moving the shoulder too much. I started to swam every saturday morning at the pool in Zumikon and I am only using my legs to move and to make sure I will not move my shoulder I am using a swim-board. Plus every tuesday and Friday I am doing physiotherapy for my shoulder so that I can strengthen the muscles of the left shoulder. I have started with simple exercises and now I also have to work in the gym for more specific and harder exercise. This activity looks easy but it is really challenging because I need to train the muscles in my left arm that have not moved for a whole month. This is really challenging also because it takes time during the week as I have to do the exercises regularly everyday so that my shoulder can improve as most as possible. At the end of January I will have a new meeting with the orthopedic and I might found more about my condition. Hopefully I will able to start doing sports again.