Saturday, March 8, 2014

How To Read The Blog

Below I have listed the 8 requirements for CAS. Each entry in this blog has a specific color and each of them refers to the specific CAS requirement below.
  1. Increased their awareness of their own strengths and areas for growth
    They are able to see themselves as individuals with various skills and abilities, some more developed than others, and understand that they can make choices about how they wish to move forward.
  2. Undertaken new challenges
    A new challenge may be an unfamiliar activity, or an extension to an existing one.
  3. Planned and initiated activities
    Planning and initiation will often be in collaboration with others. It can be shown in activities that are part of larger projects, for example, ongoing school activities in the local community, as well as in small student-led activities.
  4. Worked collaboratively with others
    Collaboration can be shown in many different activities, such as team sports, playing music in a band, or helping in a kindergarten. At least one project, involving collaboration and the integration of at least two of creativity, action and service, is required.
  5. Shown perseverance and commitment in their activities
    At a minimum, this implies attending regularly and accepting a share of the responsibility for dealing with problems that arise in the course of activities.
  6. Engaged with issues of global importance
    Students may be involved in international projects but there are many global issues that can be acted upon locally or nationally (for example, environmental concerns, caring for the elderly).
  7. Considered the ethical implications of their actions
    Ethical decisions arise in almost any CAS activity (for example, on the sports field, in musical composition, in relationships with others involved in service activities). Evidence of thinking about ethical issues can be shown in various ways, including journal entries and conversations with CAS advisers.
  8. Developed new skills
    As with new challenges, new skills may be shown in activities that the student has not previously undertaken, or in increased expertise in an established area.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Posts that have to be updated for the February/March

- Red Cross
- Swimming
- 10km Zurich Run 2014

Final Reflection Essay

CAS resulted as one of the best experiences I undertook during my IB experience. Initially I thought it would have been stressful to include all the activities into my study plan. In the end I realized how all of them together helped me grow as a student but also as a person. I not only learnt how to better organize my time to include all the extracurricular activities, but I have understood the importance of undertaking challenges and activities never experiences before. This is definitely important for a student looking forward a balanced and complete educational growth. Many where the skills that I found myself improving, discovering, or strengthening during these past eighteen months. Some of these are described in the next paragraphs to come.  

One thing I believe the CAS program left me with is bravery. Finding new activities to pursuit and accomplished definitively helped me to push my limits and exit that comfort zone I was laying in. The first time I noticed this was at the beginning of 12th grade when, at the start of the volleyball season, I proposed myself to be the captain of the team. It has been an amazing feeling when I got confirmed the position. Initially I was scared and intimidated by the great responsibility I had over my shoulders, but with some organization and communication with the coaches I managed to learn the tricks. Definitely this experience made me improve my role as a leader, but especially it made me understand the importance of communication within a team. Not only for game strategies, but most importantly for human relationships. I definitely gained a lot from this experience and I am sure the skills I have learnt and improve will help me in my future life inside and outside of court.

Pushing my limits is definitely the key sentence to describe my 12 months of CAS. Not only in the sports, but also in music. It has been almost 9 years now since I started playing the piano. Never since the beginning of CAS I have pushed myself to new horizons. First of all I started taking piano lessons in German. This has been a very big step for me as I do not speak the language fluently and I came in Switzerland almost 3 years ago without speaking a single word in German. Definitely through music I managed to improve my communication skills not only through music, but also through a new language. Furthermore I also took part in the school musical's orchestra ("Sound of Music"). My role was the pianist and for the first time I found myself surrounded by many other instruments playing together. I have to admit it has been quite and experience for one's used to only play by herself. I had to improve my awareness of others, but the big improvements in my communication skills I gained with the other activities helped me overcome the initial problems of miscommunication with the rest of the band.

Thinking about the importance of communication brings up the activity I have organized with a friend of mine in school. Lena and I designed an art workshop for Kindergarteners during our activity week at ICS. This activity involved a lot of reasoning and planning ahead, and obviously a whole lot of communication between Lena and I. The big challenges appeared during the organization phase when we had to analyse our limits in the artistic field, and consequentially those of the kids. The challenge was to find something doable, enjoyable and interesting for both the kids and us. We realized that the more involved us two where the better we were at delivering the same interest to the kids. We definitely learnt from our mistakes as we were able to see the big improvements in between the first and last lesson we gave. Every time I find myself in front of kids that experienced great changes in their life, considering their young age. Some changes that probably myself cannot even imagine. Something that I have found very important as well was to be able to reflect on my actions, because every single movement of expression of mine could have had a great impact on the kids. Surprisingly the task did not result too hard to accomplice. Or better, it is a hard task but it is leaving me with so much non-scholar knowledge that I am enjoying myself to the point that I do not find this hard anymore.

The second activity was teaching volleyball. The best thing was that I had been able to teach kids what I love to do the most outside of the classroom. Again I faced the difficulty of planning a lesson and showing my leader role. In the end, with the help of two other classmates, we managed to carry out our experience in the best way. It has been amazing to see the great improvements in the kids skills going along with ours in the teaching field. Again communication and reason became fundamental as the best lessons where the ones well planned and structured.

CAS not only bought me to push my limits but it also taught me the importance of persevering and committing to my activities. This was shown since the day I joined the "Awareness Committee". Initially it resulted to be very boring and tedious to participate at each meeting, but with the months passing I noticed the importance of attendance, as everyone's contribution was necessary. To increase my commitment to the cause I also offered myself to be the main communicator of the group along with another student. We were in charge of sharing and summarize all that was said in the meetings for those who missed them or just as a reminder. Sometimes it really has been a challenge, we had to sacrifice our study time to keep up with the work inside the committee but it has definitely resulted useful. Especially when all the activities we planned resulted to have an impact on the whole school, therefore we had been able to raise awareness. In this activity especially, I saw myself as never before as I gave many presentations in front of entire grades and classes. This was very unusual for me as I never really wanted to expose myself. I definitely became a much more aware risk-taker now.

Almost coming at the end of my experience I also noticed how different sports changed me. I undertook many new challenges and activities never tried before: I joined the badminton team, the swimming team, I run a 10km race, and last but not least I joined the "Dare Race". The first two, even if they seem two sports focusing on the single person, taught me how to play in a team and how to build up stronger and more lasting friendships. The 10km race definitely made me improve my planning skills and my self-awareness of my body when doing unusual efforts. The same could be said for the "Dare Race" which is more of a sum of the first three sports in the list. In the dare race I was in a team of four, communication was key and good relationship between the team were fundamental. No matter the ups and downs. I learnt how the single person, in a critical situation, could affect the entire group. Everyone then had a great responsibility during this race and sports activities.

In conclusion I would also like to mention my experience working in a public Italian library. In there I discovered a whole new world, I experienced my first real job, and I saw myself becoming much more responsible. I could say that all I learnt from CAS could be summarized by this activity as it involved a lot of organization, perseverance and collaboration skills and also the ability of being very open-minded towards everyone.

CAS definitely helped me changing rom the shy kid staying in the corner to the one taking her chances, the one taking opportunity and making the most out of them. I have learnt a lot form these pas 18 months of CAS and I am very proud of what I have done and where I got to.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


As with many other sports I have learnt what my main weaknesses and strengths 
are. This sport is a very good activity that helps understanding where your limits are and how much you can push them to. Trainings are definitely showing me what I have to improve and being with a team I start to feel the pressure to improve as well because there is competition.
For the first time I have joined the swimming team, I have never had such an experience as I used to go to the pool only for fun or for swimming by myself, I never joined a competitive team. It really is going to be a new challenge as I have found out that most of the styles I did were not suitable for racing. I am learning how to go faster and everyday I am learning new skills. This is really satisfying.  
I have been going swimming every Tuesday early before school. For the moment I have not been able to go to any race due to school work, but I am planning on exercising and training enough for the race I will soon be in. I have started this activity as not being suitable for the team as I was too slow, now I can really see the improvements.
As I have already mentioned above many are the skills I have learnt through this period of time: from new swimming techniques, endurance and speed.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Red Cross

Since two months from now I have been going to the Red Cross in Zurich. There I am helping families that have just moved in the countries to have a better stay. Usually these families are from poor countries and are in need of money to start their new life here in Switzerland. My job in the association is to help the kids in these families to better adapt in the society and to make their stay more pleasant by spending a few hours with them, playing games, and speaking german

This activity is definitely one of the best ones I have ever undertook since the beginning of my CAS program. I definitely came to understand my weaknesses and strength with this activity. I used to think "How hard can it be to play with kids?" but now I know it is a true challenge as you have to make sure they are having fun and that they do not get bored. All those kids are really cleaver and they are not satisfied by random easy games. They look for the challenge and that makes the entire experience more interesting for me as well. I have been in contact with kids of many different ages (from 3 to 14) and I realized how I am a better helper when it comes to play with younger kids. It is harder because their attention on one thing last less, but the satisfaction is so great. Just seeing a smile on their face because of something you do or say can make my entire day.
This is a completely new "adventure" for me because I have never had the opportunity to work with people coming from these places and with such a different background. It really is an open minding experience that I'd recommend anyone to do.

I am also very proud of this activity, not only because it is new and different, but also because I was require to set an interview before being allowed to work for the Red Cross. I did not go through anyone to apply for this activity. I started to send emails to the bosses and to organize a date for a meeting day. It was really exciting and new for me. It is also important that I take the lead during this activities as I have to keep order within the group of 5 to 8 kids that are there.  

Being a collaborative person is essential because obviously not all the kids want to play the same game at the same time, therefore I have to be flexible and play a bit of everything. The most important thing is that the communication with the other helpers is constant. It is a great challenge as we do not always know each other, we are complete strangers to each other. For the moment I have to say I have found great people with which working is a pleasure and it is really easy to go along with. 

Considering that the activity takes place after school for two hours straight, and I get home late in the evening, plus there is school homework to complete I think that I have been very committed to this activity. I go there with regularity every 2 Mondays and the kids really benefit from this regularity. This is what we have been told by the parents, organizers and by the kids themselves. 

This activity brought me closer to issues of global importance as these kids all come from different parts of the world and they usually are not from rid families. They usually have experienced situations of war, poverty, and struggle so, as a helper, I have the big responsibility of helping them overcome their past through games (at least to the extent that it is possible to). Anyways I notice their happiness when we get to the place and how their moral changes from the beginning to the end.

It is important that we always think before we act and talk. Kids always remember what you do and how you do it. In this activity more than anything else, it is important that all our action are well thought because they have a great influence on the kids. They really look at us as their models and those who can help them. If we show them we are not bothered, tired, or unhappy this is definitely going to reflect on them as well. 

I am  sure that this activity made me develop new skills, from my German speaking skills, to making me a more responsible person and someone that cares about the population around her. I am really happy with this choice and I hope this activity can inspire other students as well. Young people are needed in these situation. It is far better for the kids to have a a young helpers than older ones. They feel more at ease.